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Free Advertising Is The Best Advertising You Can Afford By Using Word Of Mouth

Free advertising is the best tool for business owners or entrepreneurs.

By using word of mouth as a free advertising method then you are surely on the right track towards reaching success.

New platforms are continuously introduced in the business industry and these are believed to be powerful tools that will let your business grow and standout however only a few are proven effective and helpful.

If you want to succeed in business, make sure that you are flexible enough in choosing the advertising strategy that will suit best to your business.

Word of mouth advertising is considered essential in every business since every customer is given the chance to steer dozens of new ones your way.

Among all other platforms, it is the most credible forms of advertising since certain individual puts his or her reputation on the line every time they make recommendations and that individual will receive nothing but the appreciation of those who are attentively listening.

So what does word of mouth advertising really mean? It is the FREE spread of a positive marketing message coming from one person and being transferred to another.

It is a person to person strategy wherein you would notice that your marketing message seamlessly passes through different individuals and in a positive way.

This advertising platform usually takes place through the use of human voice or can also be transmitted thru communicative means like the internet or thru sms marketing.

It is indeed a powerful promotional tool and must be considered part of every business’ marketing strategy.

How is free advertising generated by using word of mouth?

Growing your business is a difficult thing to do most especially if you are ignoring effective ways to grow it. Word of mouth advertising seems to be a simple and not so effective way however once you have discovered the ways on how to make it worth it for your business; you will surely enjoy its benefits.

There are already lots of business individuals who are able to meet success through incorporating this platform into their marketing strategy and the best thing is, they are able to increase their sales as well as their reputations.

One of the ways to make this strategy effective is that word of mouth can be triggered if the customer is experiencing something that is beyond their expectations. So with that, if you want your customers to talk about you or you want to be the center of attraction and news, make sure that you are able to exceed their expectations. If ever you failed, they will surely ignore what you have.

Also, you don’t need to depend on your staffs’ capabilities, especially in triggering the word of mouth. Giving exceptional customer experience would not be enough. You need to give something that will encourage them to trust you and your product. You can try to use physical, non-verbal statements to trigger your advertising strategy.

What makes word of mouth a better advertising tool?

There are only two reasons that explain how effective word of mouth advertising is. And these reasons will serve as your springboard towards incorporating this strategy into your business. Here are as follows:

  1. Develops Trust – As what everybody knows, we usually trust our friends more than we trust any business ads. You would always hear that the product is great and of high quality and most would even recommend it on their advertising campaign. However such kind of advertising is not as convincing as what our friends say about it. Since we tend to don’t believe on the ads, our friends will be the one to change our perceptions about a certain product. If they have already purchased and used a certain product and they would say that it is really great, that is the only time that we will also try to use it. If our friends or many people recommend it, that is the time for us to try and trust certain products or brands.


  1. Better Targeting – Aside from developing trust, word of mouth advertising is also more targeted. Like for example, your organization is offering golf clubs. So, in order to target your message to potential customers, chances are that you will advertise in a golf magazine. However there might be lots of readers who are in the market for clubs but many might not so for the result, you have just wasted thousands of dollars for nothing.

This word of mouth advertising is believed to be more focused. Like for instance, no one will get the interest of talking about baby clothes you offer if they don’t have babies. Also, no one will share information about baby clothes if they know that you don’t have a baby. People are more likely to share things if they know that it is relevant to your needs and to your interests.

Word of mouth is just like a searchlight which goes through several social networks, looking for the most interested receivers who will receive the given piece of information.

Consumers are more likely to promote brands using word of mouth advertising due to several factors including emotional, functional and social factors. According to the research, there are lots of brand characteristics that can trigger word of mouth like:

  • visibility
  • age of the brand in the marketplace
  • complexity
  • knowledge about the brand
  • premium, quality, and relevance of the brand
  • excitement
  • perceived risk
  • satisfaction
  • involvement
  • differentiation and much more.

Word of mouth advertising can be as effective as what other business individuals had experienced about however it still depends on the way you encourage or convince people to talk about you and your business and their way of spreading it.

It is not enough that you just interact on social media Tips for Interacting with Customers Using Social Media and you post things for a while. If you really want to get people to talk about your idea, business or other things, it is important that you also understand why do people need to talk and share it. Despite the fact that word of mouth advertising is effective, however, if you don’t do things right, nothing will happen as this advertising strategy will not move on its own.

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