marketing materials

Best Types of Marketing Materials Ideas You Should Have for Your Business

Running a successful business means more than renting a space or building or having a website, you’ve got to find ways to reach consumers, so they will visit and purchase the products or services that you offer.

This means that you will need to find the marketing materials that work best to find those who are truly interested in what you sell.

Too many business owners fail to try all available avenues of advertisements and wind up missing out on opportunities to build their customer base.

What follows are types of marketing materials that are designed to boost awareness and recognition of businesses just like yours.


These are great to reach a few hundred or thousands of customers.

You can add a coupon, have sales announcement, use them for postcard marketing and local marketing called every door direct mail, eddm.

Whatever your choice is you can not go wrong with this kind of marketing material to build your business.

Traditional Advertisements

The step that many have taken to advertise their business over the years, which include television, radio, newspapers, and magazines still work.

If your efforts are to pull in customers off the street and into the front door of your shop or store, then you will want to take full advantage of what traditional advertising has to offer.

However, such efforts can be expensive and really test your marketing budget, so here are several other ideas that have proven to work over the years.


The brochure is well-suited for businesses that sell higher-end items, such as real estate, vehicles, and electronics to name a few.

However, you may find that a well-designed brochure works for your needs depending on your target audience.

Be aware that print brochures that are well-produced can be expensive, so make sure it is right for your needs.

Business Cards

The traditional business card is one of the most effective of marketing materials because it is inexpensive to produce, can be handed to anyone, and offers just enough information to have people calling or contacting your business.

You can order several hundred high-quality business cards for a low, affordable price.

Case Studies

To see what new trends are on the horizon or if your current line of products or services is still relevant in today’s world, investing in case studies may be the answer.

A case study will dig deep into how consumers think of what you offer while providing valuable insight that

Cost Comparison Sheets

For any business that must make purchases, a cost comparison sheet is an invaluable tool to help you select the best source at the right price.

You can list all the relevant factors and then figure out which one is the most cost-effective for your business.

Display Booths

You see them at trade shows, conventions, and events that are in your town, so why not set one up for your business?

The reason that display booths work so well is that they make your business visible to the local community and those interested in your products or services.

At the very least, they help build your business brand.

Marketing Materials Examples

Envelopes & Letterheads

The traditional envelope and letterhead may seem outdated to some, but the truth is that they still provide an excellent means of boosting the brand of your business. The sight of envelopes emblazoned with the company name and address speaks to the professionalism of the business. Plus, letterheads are a time-honored way to boost business brand and reputation which makes a real impact.

Every Door Direct Mail or EDDM

Direct mail is still one of the least expensive, yet most powerful marketing materials that you can employ in advertising your business. Producing hundreds of direct mail advertisements costs a small amount, but that is money well spent the return on investment they offer.


This may be the cheapest form of printed advertising and it still works quite well for most local businesses. You can target an area around your business or use them at events to market your company. Flyers work because they are inexpensive and quite effective.


Whether printed or electronic, the newsletter helps keep you in contact with your customers. Repeat business is the key to building up your profits, so use the newsletter wisely to provide valuable information along with incentives to have customers buy from you again.


Postcards have been used for a wide variety of businesses, but they are most effective in generating interest from customers finding out about the products or services you offer. Plus, postcards are inexpensive and when well presented, quite effective in garnering new business.

PowerPoint Presentations

If you can speak in front of potential clients or customers, the PowerPoint presentation helps make it more interesting and informative. Your presentation needs to be short, to the point, and provide good information to hold the attention of your audience.

Presentation Folders & Press Kits

Holding a publicity event is one of the least expensive, yet most powerful advertising tools for local businesses. Augmenting by using presentation folders and press kits which provides the information means that the local media works for you in telling viewers, readers, or listeners about the event and your company’s participation.

Product Spec Sheets

This is a sheet that lists the technical characteristics along with the performance of a product, component, or machine. When running a business, the more information you have about what you sell and use, the better decisions you can make about what actions to take in the future.

Promotional Materials

Having these available to your customer, clients or trying to get new business. Promotional products such as pens that are cost-effective and work 24/7 for your brand is a smart move to reach out with this type of marketing materials.

Sell Sheets

Sell sheets are invaluable tools in explaining your product and selling it to interested parties. The information you list can really help to sell the product in a way that normal advertising cannot touch.

Thank You Cards

A simple thank you card can go a long way to earn the respect of the customer. You can order them ahead of time for a specific event or get them when needed to thank those who have helped your business. In any event, a simple thank you card can go a long way towards establishing the brand of your business.


A website is a must for virtually all businesses, even if all your customers come through your door. With more people, especially young people, getting their information from the web, you need a strong presence on the internet to help bring in new customers.

To help keep your business productive in finding new customers, be sure to look at all the marketing materials available so you can expand your reach the right way.

What marketing materials ideas would you like share?

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