404 custom error page

Make Your 404 Error Pages Unique To Your Visitors

It is very rapturous to see a consistent stream on your website once your new visitor visits your site. It will indicate that people will click and like your website pages in the search results. However, if your new visitor experiences some horrible page not found message, it will surely disappoint them. So what do you think you need to do next? Well, due to this situation, your new visitor will surely never visit your website anymore. Therefore, because of this, you need to set up your error 404 page.

Heres the low down

Your 404 page is what your visitor will see when they find a non-existent page on your website. It is called 404 because it is a response to the request for the missing page and the web server will send back HTTP code of status which is 404 that will indicate that your page is not found. However, it will depend on your ISP and it will not provide your visitor some useful information and will surely take your visitor away from your own website.

Therefore, it is being best to recommend that you make your own custom 404 page here is some examples. If you have a good custom 404 page, it will help you and your new visitor to find the right information they are looking for and at the same time, they can be provided with useful content that will encourage them to explore your website further. Through customizing your web design, you will have a standard HTML page in any way that you wanted.

There are lots of reasons why you need to make a very effective 404 page that is unique and will become useful for your visitors.

  • It will tell your visitor clearly that the page they are looking for is not found, so use a language that is inviting and friendly.
  • Ensure that your 404 page will have a similar feel and look as your website.
  • You can consider adding some links in your post and even in your homepage site.
  • You can provide some ways for your visitor to report the broken link.
  • You do not want to appear your 404 page in Google search results so you need to ensure your web server will return as an actual 404 HTML code when there is a missing page that is requested.
  • You can use the change of address tool so you can tell Google about your website’s move.

Customizing your web design will provide you lots of benefits that in return. It will help you to increase the number of indexed pages in your website to the search engines. This is also your chance to build a very consistent image for your brand. Therefore, even if you have a dead page, you need to maintain your good ways that will not confuse the new visitor. So because of this, your 404 page should have a similar framework like the footer, navigation, logo, fonts, scheme, color and heading. Through the good customization of 404 page, you can re-engage your unhappy visitor by the means of providing links back to your homepage or relevant information so you can keep their attention on your website. Your web design will also show your brand’s personality and at the same time, will increase your conversion. Since customizing your 404 page will provide your website good things, you can start creating a unique web design to attract lots of visitor to your website.

Here are the simple steps in making the 404 page:

  • You can use the 404 page through the use of a powerful plugin. There are lots of plugins that are very useful that can surely help you to easily implement its advanced features on your website or you can create an error 404 page that will use the 404 page plugin. It is easy to use and set up an independent plugin. Now you can display your 404 page.
  • You can hire a professional and expert freelance developer. Even though some plugins are very useful in running your website, you still need to have a good understanding of your brand that will cater your website visitor, which is very important. Therefore, because of this, you need to invest in hiring some talented developers, while ensuring that it will fit your budget.
  • Set up an error 404 page to change your server files and website. Doing this kind of web design for your 404 page will require you to save and have a good back up on all of your files before you start to make some changes. If you use an apache server, you will need to point the server to the error page by the means of editing files and uploading your error file to the server. However, you need to select the most important factors that will suit your website and will maintain the smallest web design changes.
  • However, if you are running your website through the internet information server, you can edit your web design in a text editor and edit some error messages that are being displayed.
  • Test the error 404 page. Once you are done uploading your error document, you can test your error page by typing the URL that does not exist on your own website so that it will load the page.

By making an informational 404 page, you can ensure that it will keep your new visitor because they are provided with the right information to continue on your website. Moreover, there are some tools that can help you monitor the broken links on your website. You can choose the automation tool if you do not want to check your link manually to track the performance of your website and at the same time, segregate the traffic sources. Broken links need to be monitored and cleaned regularly so you will have high rankings in the search engines and set up error page will help you retain user who mistyped the URL of your website and it will also improve your visitor experience.

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