Logo Design

Business Logo Design: 5 Good Reasons Why It Matters

Have you ever noticed that, even when you’re familiar with a company’s products, it is their logo that most readily comes to mind?

This seemingly simple image can be recognized in a split-second and is quickly associated with a company’s core values and services.

Having a logo is essentially creating an identity.

If you ask a logo designer how they go about the process of creating their best logos, he/she will tell you that they aim to capture a business’ organizing principles in a single, elegant way.

The graphic designer must figure out how to create awesome logos that are simple, yet also easy to remember and unique enough to render your business recognizable from afar.

The best logo design should be able to communicate what your business is about, who it serves, and how it outshines competitors.

Overall Benefits of Creating an Effective Business Logo

1. Brand Recognition

First, you want your logo to leave a lasting impression on a potential customer.

You want it to leave a strong impact on the customer’s subconscious so that if they think of a brand or product when it comes to their mind.

Just think of Band-Aid. Even though there are bandage strips available from a variety of different brands, Band-Aid always comes to mind first, like Kleenex.

An awesome logo is what distinguishes certain companies above the rest.

A business logo inevitably become synonymous with a company.

When this happens, the logo becomes a part of the company’s identity.

2. Permanency

Since the business logo of your company will be instantly recognized by customers, it’s important to get it right the first time.

Rebranding it is hard work and there is often pushback from loyal customers.

A logo works to summarize your company’s attitude and vision. If that changes, customers think that the company as a whole is changed.

3. Building Relationships

Your goal is to have customers associate your company and product with the logo.

This tactic is often employed in political campaigns.

Just think of Obama’s “Hope” logo or Romney’s “R.”

Their logos made it easier for potential voters to show support. It is the same for a company.

You want to get customers to trust your brand and logo, thereby showing support of your company. By creating trust between a customer, a relationship is built.

4. Conveying Concepts to Customers

Often signs that you see in your everyday life exemplify conveying concepts.

For example, “No Smoking” and “No Littering” signs convey a concept of cleanliness and health around the area where the signs are displayed.

There are also traffic signs that will let you know what’s coming up next on the road, which conveys a concept of safety to drivers.

Your company’s logo should be like these signs, whose meanings are apparent to almost anyone who sees them.

Even first-time drivers can figure out what the road signs mean instinctively; your brand should do the same.

5. The way of Promoting Your Product

Having a great recognizable business logo is an excellent way to promote your products cheaply and efficiently.

Overall, having a distinguishable brand on your products will increase sales, enhance marketing strategies, and promote your company’s awareness.

Many companies invest in promotional pens because, unlike other gimmicky promotional products, they are useful and more likely to be kept by potential customers.

Visual advertisements with your company’s logo are also effective, like billboards, flyers, or commercials.

Having an effective logo for these advertising ventures will help increase brand recognition.

Remember, logos do not need to be overly complex or colorful. Just think of Apple’s logo: a gray apple with a bite taken out of it.

Simple, but unique and memorable. If you botch your design, your company will likely receive negative sentiments from present and potential customers, therefore making it less effective and costly.

Some important tips to remember: your logo should be pleasing to the eye, appealing, and recognizable.

Poor images more likely represent a low-quality company, so it’s important to invest plenty of time and effort into making a high-quality vector image to represent your company effectively.

A good design ensures that your brand remains professional and creates an official identity for your company.

As they say, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

Author: Gary Austin writes for The Pen Guy, your one-stop shop for making your logo do more.

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