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How to Get Free Advertising Using Google Business Page

Free advertising is important for Small business owners and they understand that online marketing is a very important part of their strategy.

For many of them, this would mean setting up websites and quite a few social media accounts for free advertising.

But if you truly desire to reach your competitors, you need to go where they are: Google.

Nearly 70% of the online searches are done through Google, and 1 out of every 5 in those searches is done with regards to a place of business.

That is where the Google business page comes in. It is an internet service that allows your business to physically be found locally located on Google Map, letting the customer track you down much faster and easier.

If you don’t list your business in Google business page, you need to place this in the top of your “to-do list” immediately as this can provide free advertising and considered as one of the best things to do in order to expand and grow your customer base.

Recently Google allows you to post updates, new offers, coupons to attract customers. This is awesome to get more traffic for your local business.

Benefits of Using the Google Business Page

Google My Business is the new Yellow Pages – The day when people are reaching for phone book are already gone if they needed a specific kind of service. The business page of Google serves as the Yellow Pages of Today, especially for the local businesses. Even if you do not have a website, the customers can easily search your involved category and see local businesses listed in that certain field.

You are Much Easier to Find – when being listed in Google Maps, it simply means free advertising where your business exact location and address will be provided to the customers. They do not have to go through your website’s contact us or visit your Facebook profile in order to find out where your business is located. If the customers are looking for their mobile devices, Google Maps, which include the GPS navigation, will provide a turn-by-turn direction for your customers to your door.

It is Free Business Advertising – What is the only better thing for small businesses? Of course, it’s free advertising. This is what you will be getting by using the Google business page. Even if small businesses don’t have any budget for advertising. In this very competitive world, you need to take advantage of everything, especially advertising for free is a huge benefit and advantage for you.

Easiest Way on How to Sign Up Your Business on Google Business Page

Signing up your business on Google business page is so easy. In order to start, you will need to have a

1. Google account, so if you don’t have one, you need to sign up now to get free advertising for your business. Once you have signed up for your Google account then

2. agree to terms and agreement and you will be taken to a page that lets you

3. insert basic information regarding your business, such as phone number, name, and category.

4. You will have to verify having a place of business. However, it can be done easily by text, phone, or through direct mail marketing. As an added protection from scammers, none of the information that you added here will be visible until you have verified your business.

How to Use Google Business Page Properly

As soon as you have signed up, here are several tips on how to ensure that you will get the best out of listing, which includes free advertising.

1. The use of keywords – Having to fill out the category section and keywords of your profile can be an essential step. You need to write a product or business description that is appealing, and describe your business what you can do or offer. Nonetheless, do not overdo it on the keywords because it may actually cause the dramatic decrease in your ranking.

2. Utilizing videos and images – A business listed on Google My Business can add as much as ten images, as well as five videos without charging you. As it is free advertising, you should make the most out of it. Consider adding images of the outside of your establishment in order for the visitors to know what they are looking for when they are looking for your place of business so they get a sense of what your location looks like when they visit. It makes it easier to find.

3. Creating a Google My Business for each location – If your business has many locations, making an overall Google My Business listing will not do the job. Make a different listing for every location with a new phone number and address for each location. If your business is serving many cities, like New York City, San Fransisco, Chicago you should create one single page and then make a listing of those different cities in your product or business description for an effective free advertising strategy.

4. Encouraging customer reviews – If you have many satisfied and returning customers, you can ask them to share their experiences with your product or service, and rate your additional services on Google My Business. It may appear to be simple, but having a better rating will be able to attract many more customers in a big way. Because of that, you need to make sure to have genuine reviews, though. If you have non-authentic reviews on Google My Business, or if it appears like you are soliciting reviews to get a higher rating, your listing may actually be pushed down dramatically and just wasted the free advertising opportunity.

Write Your Ads – In connection with the use of keywords, next, you can think about the ad types that you may want to write. Here’s a great example of how to write an ad copy effectively:

• The headline should be made very catchy in order to grab the attention of the users and make them completely aware of what you are offering.

• The first description line should spark the interest of the users in your offering.

• The second description line should boost the desire in your customer in order to acquire your service or product.

• Ultimately, your displayed UTL should be able to consolidate the decision of any user to take action.

Go ahead and make your free advertising for your business on Google. You will be glad you did.

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