Direct Mail Marketing Lawn Care

How to make a winning direct mail marketing lawn care flyer

There is no secret direct mail is one of the leading sales tools for small business.

The easiest way to reach customers is with an eye catching flyer design that you can use as a self-mailer or have your local post office deliver it using Every Door Direct Mail {EDDM}.

With these types of services, you can really make a local impact with your marketing efforts to drive new sales.

Don’t get discouraged it doesn’t take one try. Marketing is about consistency, the more customers see your flyer over a period of time the more sales you will receive.

Direct mail marketing is way better than magazine marketing that is stuffed with 100’s of ads while yours is buried in the middle.

Don’t waste money on something that customers will never see.

Don’t put too much information on the flyer.

If you tell the consumer too much they won’t call you because you just provided it for them.

Be precise and direct what you want them to do and what the offer is to call you about.

What you need to drive sales with a custom direct mail marketing flyer.

  1. Headline
  2. Photo
  3. Body copy
  4. Call to action
  5. Target mail list {age, house income, homeowner, etc.}

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get the sales you are expecting.

Keep your expectations realistic.

You won’t get 500 calls if you mail out 500 flyers.

Average is 1% – 3% target is what to expect for a self-mailer. This can also be higher or lower.

In the beginning every 2 weeks, 3 times.

Then you can drop it to once every 3 weeks or 4 weeks.

Keep it ongoing and consistency wins all the time.

Don’t forget about who is the target audience buying your product or service.

A good mail list is another important part of your campaign.

Find out who the right customers are before mailing.

This could save you hundreds or thousands of dollars.

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