custom logo design

5 Biggest Differences Between Custom Logo Design and Online Logo Maker

If you are starting up a new business, one of the most important considerations is having a custom logo design.

The logo relates to the essence of your company in a simple, easy-to-understand design that is used in all areas of your marketing.

There are highly familiar logos from businesses in many different industries that have become a part of everyone’s daily life.

That’s because a custom logo design that works can mean huge success for your company.

The introduction of the internet and advancing digital technology has led to the creation of an online logo maker that anyone may use for their business.

It represents a radical change from using a design team for creating logos.

What is an Online Logo Maker?

This is a service provided by an online company that allows you to create a logo on demand.

You sign into the site, select from various established designs and colors, and put them together with lettering to create a basic logo.

The quality of the designs, colors, and lettering will vary from site to site.

However, most of them are designed to be easy to use, so you can create a logo within a few minutes.

The emphasis in the logo creation is on speed instead of quality.

The approach of creating logos online has changed the dynamic for many businesses.

After all, why spend the money to create a custom design for the logo when one can be created using an online service?

With many entrepreneurs and small business owners opting to create their own logos, it has lead to a shortage of memorable logos which affect the bottom line of companies who use them.

Five Differences Between an Online Logo Maker and Custom Logo Design

Cost: There is little doubt that the most notable difference between a custom logo and online logo maker to design is the cost.

A logo maker design is one that you make yourself using an online program and download it to your computer.

A custom design requires the services of a knowledgeable, experienced logo designer with a track record of success.

Depending on the designer you choose, along with the application of the logo itself, you can expect to pay from $300 to $1,300 for your custom logo design.

The price may vary depending on the need, the location of designer and experience, but overall a good logo design is going to put a dent in your budget but it is well worth the investment.

Quality: The overall quality of the end product will be vastly improved if you use a custom logo design service.

This is because many online logo maker services are limited in the quality that they can produce.

Consider that your logo will be used both for online and print purposes with sizes that range from business cards and what is viewed on smartphone screens up to billboard-size.

To have your logo seen clearly in all sizes, it must be designed properly and be of high quality.

Many online logo maker creation sites cannot produce that type of quality.

Plus, the design you create may have inherent limitations that can only be seen once you try to apply your logo to a size substantially different than what you originally created.

That is why high quality is a big difference between an online logo maker and custom logo designs.

Research: The right logo requires more than just deciding on an appealing design or color scheme, it requires researching the industry to find the best examples of successful logos.

In other words, a proper logo not only reflects your business but also the work that you do.

This means that others in your industry have created successful logos which serve as the basis for creating what will work for your company.

In most cases, companies that decide to go with an online logo maker do not put in the research needed to see if what they create has a history of working or worse, if some features of the design actually confuse or dissuade people from trusting your company.

A logo is more than just identification, it is part of the branding of your business.

So, it is important to do the research necessary to ensure that your logo conveys who you are and what you do effectively.

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Experience: It’s fair to say that most entrepreneurs and business owners have relatively little experience in creating logos and it often shows in the end result.

What may look suitable to the company president may not work at all with the general public.

That is where having an experienced logo designer or team comes into play.

The experience brings in the positive, such as the successful logos they have designed in the past, what types of designs work well in both large and small formats, the right color scheme to maximize the effectiveness of the logo, and so forth.

Suffice to say that for most professional logo designers, they have the experience needed to avoid potential pitfalls and come up with ideas that improve the overall design for greater effectiveness.

Effectiveness: Tied into the experience is effectiveness, the ability to create a custom logo design that not only catches people’s attention but also generates results when used in your marketing efforts.

This means not only the type of design, but how it is used, where it is placed, and what format is it most effective.

A good logo design speaks for itself as it conveys the quality of the company and lets potential customers know the general industry the business operates.

The ideal logo is one that creates instant recognition after only a few views and builds trust within the consumer about the quality of the company itself.

In the end, the differences between an online logo maker you create on a website and one that is fashioned by a custom logo design team are considerable. You should consider carefully the differences between an online logo maker and custom designs so that you can maximize the impact of the logo created.

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